Wellpoint filters, wellpoint system IgE 81 – installation, photos, description
Installation of the wellpoint filters, and installation assembly
Wellpoint filters are installed in the ground by usually by water jetting, sometimes by drilling method. The IgE81 wellpoint system set contains several types of jetting pipes (different lenghts and diameters): small diameter D 51 mm (standard, basic type), large diameter D89, D108, D133 mm (optional, special jetting pipes).
Different lengths are proposed in the set for easier installation at different depths.
The jetting pipe D51mm (2 inch) is used to install the filters in soils that do not require prefilter (so especially in sandy soil), and the irrigation tube 89,108 or 133 is used to install filters with prefilter layer (thick sand/small gravel) around wellpoint.
The prefilter layer is used especially in two cases: 1) when the ground has so small granularity which may cause filter clogging (clays, dusts) 2) when the ground is not homogenous, if there are many permeable and impermeable layers in the ground.
The prefilter sand should have grain size is suitably applied to the soil in which the filter is applied, using the principle that the seed size of the pods should be 5 to 10 times greater than the average soil grain thickness.
With the IgE 81 wellpoint systems, wellpoints are usually installed every 1 meter. There is strongly recommended that all filter bottoms should be on the same level.
More information you can find in wellpoint system usage manual which is availabl on our website.
The method of flexible wellpoint filter (D32mm) jetting
Installation of filter in the ground
Dewatering process and effects